Friday 12 March 2010

Lilies and hearts


My blog started hibernating when I was still working on my "Fleur-de-lis" shawl and I never posted any pictures of the finished project. And, it is not the only shawl that I made during this "internet wintersleep".

My Fleur-de -lis turned out beautiful (how humble of me!) ! I love it and I'm sure I'll be making another one very, very soon. As soon as I pick a new colour .

I swear I'm not mad! I just look mad. It is very important to point that out in my case: I'm barely ever mad but I always look that way!
Another KAL, another project designed by ShuiKen Kozinski and another beautiful lace shawl around my neck:

"My Valentine" shawl.

I went for the same winning combination of materials that i used for my Luna Moth shawl- mohair and glass beads.
Finally, the contenct of one swap package that I received last summer from my German swap pal turned into another triangular shawl.

I love the colours and I love how the shawl turned out. I improvised and now I'm trying to decipher my own notes; in case I succeed, I should have the pattern written down by the end of this spring. Or next spring! :D

Again- not mad!
(I should definitelly find a pro model for my projects! :)))))


  1. It's so good to have you back - immediately projects and ideas come popping out from every corner of this blog :) I like the first one best but the other two are equally beautiful!

  2. Thank you, Ma'am! :D Oh, Fleur-de-Lis is breathtaking, i agree!

  3. BTW, I'm on the lookout for a lace shawl (or, possibly, scarf) at the moment, so this post was just what I needed! :)

  4. Ah, it is great time for lace shawls- they love spring and spring loves them back! :)

  5. Beautiful lace scarfs on beautiful model. :-) Pro models would just destroy this natural look and impression.

  6. I could use a blushing smiley here!!! :))))

  7. ooooh, admit it ... you are fishing for some compliments, you know that you are looking good, and even hot with that gorgeous lace scarves ... just in case that you didn't know, now you know!

    PS I am not hitting on you :-)

  8. Beautiful shawls on a beautiful model! And your backrounds are lovely too. Your city is very scenic.

    I am working on My Valentine currently. It would go faster if I was monogamous to it.

  9. Wow, all three are utterly gorgeous!!

  10. Kako "mad", ja nista ne vidim! Sta pricas, bas uzivam dok gledam foto, more, ti lepotica, sta ti fali, ali se pitam... ko je fotograf :)

    Sad shvatam cemu sva ova pauza, vredelo je da cekamo da vidimo sve ove divote !! Mora da je sve jako mekano i prijatno ?

  11. Ej, pa ti si se aktivirala, fala Bogu! nedelju dana ti nisam svratila na blog, kad ono dva posta! Šalovi su fenomenalni, i ne uopšte ne izgledaš ludo, naprotiv, k'o grom:)!

  12. joj, ljudi, dan nakon što objavih post, opšet sam zdrobila USB adapter za internet!!! :))) pa, ja nisam normalna :D

    hvala ;-)

  13. The second photo of you is so dramatically beautiful! Miss you.

  14. Isplatilo se čekati na tvoj povratak. Prekrasno. Pozdrav. Loredana.
