Wednesday 12 August 2009

Summer knitting

I'm here! Hope you haven't missed me because it would mean that you've spent this whole July and a good part June staring at your monitors! Have you???? It's summer, peoples- go outside, 't'aint that hot - if you're lukcy, you'll survive and maybe you won't even get a stroke! (dark humour!!!!!!!!!)

As for knitting.....I've been knitting...a little! But I have been knitting and that's what matters! For those who don't believe me, I'm posting a proof; a picture of me knitting taken by my dear friend Zox. (I've always wanted a realistic portrait!)

As you can see- there are two black sheep and a cat in thise drawing! And one left sleeve in progress! :D


  1. :) good to have you back 'coz I'm one of those who spent whole July in front of the monitor :(

  2. That's a great cartoon... um, I mean, realistic portrait ;) You should frame that.
    And welcome back!

  3. Yah, I look great in the picture, don't i? :)))))
    Thanky you, gals and forgive me, misha, for being so late! ;-)

  4. That is just adorable! What are you working on? Did you get any rain these days? I've been looking at wool projects on Ravelry and thinking about the winter ;)

  5. thanks! I love it too! :)
    I've been making a triangular shawl lately, olive-green cotton yarn (not really a cotton yarns fan but i like this one) only it's been a very slow process! :) I'm looking forward to winter shawls as well.

    we've had about two storms in the past 2 weeks, yes, with lots of rain even minor floods but, apart from that- it's been hot, hot, hot and dry! :))))
