Friday 19 June 2009

All ready to become a spinner

As of today, I am a spinner beginner and a proud owner of a drop spindle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've spent the last few months "designing" a spindle, trying to improvise it and talking to my friends, part-time carpenters (full-time doctors and architects :D ), about it but, apparently, I had made the smartest move in this search even before I actually started looking for a spindle or how to make it, without even being aware of it. I had written how much I was craving for a spindle here on my blog some time ago and, my my pal from this round of the "Sending Some Sunshine" swap on Ravelry, decided to peek in here and get a better picture of my likes and wishes and there it was- my wish to become a spinner- written black on white (well, white on black in this case). And so- she sent me a drop spindle.

A letter with a spindle inside in my today's mail. What a letter. What a thrill. What a morning!

So, now, I can officially start spinning! She tucked some fleece inside the envelope as well and there was a yarn sample she had made so that I could see what it should look like. Thank you ever so much, dear swap partner. You have made my day! No- you have made my century!

And, now, since I'm already mentioning it, I know I should show off with other goodies found inside the envelope too so, here you go! It was a VERY MUCH stuffed envelope... :)

...with all sorts of cool things tucked inside! Including two chocolate bars! They're not in the picture- I ate them while waiting for the batteries to be charged. You wouldn't want to see two empty, smudged tin-foil chocolate wraps in a picture anyway, would you?! :)

The spindle came with this cool "small garden" note card- it's lovely from the outside but simply amazing from the inside; there's a package of seeds with a small bag stuffed with soil and a pocket in the middle of the card where the seeds should be planted. It's a slow process- but so is learning how to spin, my pal says in the note. :))) It would be very hard to top this choice of presents for a wannabe spinner who is also a freak when it comes to propagating plants from seeds (read:ME). :D

And I also got this!

It's got nothing to do with knitting (it's got a lot to do with frogging, 'tho! :D) - a gorgeous frog-shaped shower gel holder. And the gel smells FANTASTIC!
What a lovely (sunny) day!


  1. Divno :)
    Bas suncano :)
    I ne mozes se ubosti !
    Kre kre :)

  2. Ajme, it made my day also!!! :) vidim da ovo vreteno nije kao sto se koriste kao kod nas, doci ce dan kada ces dobiti pravo tetovsko vreteno zajedno sa sarsku vunu ;)

  3. baš sunčano, majo! :)

    Ovo je, ustvari tzv. "Tursko vreteno", upredena nit se namotava oko ovih letvica na dnu a, kad se uprede sav filc, prvo se izvuče vrtence pa onda jedna po jedna letvica i ostaje namotano klupko vune u rukama. Druga najčešća varijanta je kružno vreteno s diskom umesto letvica ali u toj varijanti disk stoji pri vrhu vretena a vuna se namotava ispod njega. To pokušavam osmisliti u kućnoj radinosti nekako, i to mi se sviđa. a za šarsko si ti zadužen, edine. :)

  4. Dakle, ti si jedno čudo, bejbi bluuu... Sad znam zašto te nije bilo - kad god te nema duže vreme, nešto se sprema. Prošli put si nas iznenadila onim prelepim postovima o čarapama i papučama.

    'Ajde predi, ne mogu da dočekam da vidim prve rezultate

  5. Žaba je zakon! Frogging, lol.
    Sad brzo se baci na rad, da vidimo tvoju prvu vunu.

  6. Vreteno je tu pa sad da vidimo čija majka crvenu vunu prede :D
