Tuesday 3 January 2012

My wreaths

First of all, I wish you all a very happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely time this Saturday. I also hope that you are sober by now!

Secondly- it is snowing on my blog! I hope you can see it! (If you can see the tiny little dots falling down from the header, then you're sober. If you always see tiny little dots falling down from the header, than you're never sober because I added this gadget yesterday! If you're reading this three years from now and think that it is still snowing, you have not been sober in years, my friend! Cheers!)

Ok, now, back to work! My first post in 2012.
In addition to my last post, I have two more wreaths to show you.
After seeing so many lovely hand-made yarn wreaths on the internet a fortnight ago, I got completely confused and was pretty sure that I would need at least a year to come up with a unique idea for my own wreath. But, as it turns out- I was wrong; making yarn wreaths is extremely addictive and, by the next evening, I had already made two. And I like them both. Now I need two New Years!

I took some pictures as I "wrapped" along. If you have no better things to do, stay here and look around.
And, please excuse the poor quality of some of the photos- the days are quite short and I did the majority of work later in the afternoon (I hated the idea of getting up at 7AM just to beg the Sun to assist me).

Here's how it went.

Although I originally intended to use styrofoam rings as the base, I eventually replaced them with simple straw wreaths; stryofoam is very fragile and I am awfully clumsy (read: I broke two wreaths at the very beginning).

MATERIALS AND TOOLS USED: 2 straw wreaths ( 20cm / 7in and 17.5cm / 8in in diameter), adhesive tape, leftover yarns (mainly 8ply) in 3 colours (pine green, deep red and white), some plied metallic yarn in golden colour, transparent glue, a crochet hook, scissors.
ADDITIONAL DECORATIONS: tiny cones (picked here and there), a few ornaments from my old wreath (something old), a few ornaments bought especially for my new wreaths (something new).

Since the wreaths I bought did not  come in plastic wrapping as they often do,  I first had to cover them with adhesive tape to get a smooth and even surface (Picture 1).
I decided to use the white yarns for my first, smaller, wreath. I found a tiny ball of a lovely, puffy yarn in snow white but I soon realised that I would not have enough to cover the whole wreath. But, there was just about enough yarn in the ball to give a lovely, snowy, final touch to the wreath. So; first I wrapped the wreath with another white yarn (just a stupid, ugly, 100% acrylic yarn), adding a few drops of glue as I worked along. The first layer created a solid, white base (Picture 2). Then, I sparsely wrapped the wreath with the second white yarn (I hope you can see the difference on the Picture 3).
Finally, the base was finished and it looked very puffy and fluffy. Just what I wanted!

The only thing left to do was to add the decorations.

When I started planning these projects, I promised myself that I would not spend money on shiny, glittery and sparkly ornaments no matter how appealing they are; I wanted my wreaths to be as hand-made as possible. Besides, I wanted to use some of the ornaments from the old wreath. But when I spotted the balls from the picture on the left, I just couldn't resist buying them. The special thing about this type of ornaments is that each ball is attached to a long piece of shiny wire on the back which makes attaching them to a wreath extremely easy. No glue required. I'll show you in a minute.

You simply untwist the wire, pick the ornaments you wan to use, and wrap the wire around the wreath (Picture 5). Then you twist the wire tails on the back to fasten the ornaments (Picture 6). That's it! Beautiful!
I also added a few decorations from the old wreath and and glued two tiny cones to the yarn. The result is shown in the Picture 7.
But I didn't like it. And, so I took some red yarn and turned my wreath into a sugar cane.

 I did pretty much the same thing with the second wreath.   

First the adhesive tape, then some glue and then the yarn. Pine green in this case.Once I finished applying the first layer of yarn, I added a spiral stripe of metallic yarn all around the wreath. Two layers actually!
Then I pimped it with some ornaments and the second wreath was done!



  1. oba dva su super...mozda zeleni mi vise odgovara u ovaj tren :)

  2. da me nisu zaustavili, ja bih napravila još 5-6 komada :)

  3. Love them both, Maja!! Very creative! thanks for sharing ;)


  4. They're great! I love wreaths so much I'm planning to make some for every season (I've already covered Christmas and spring).

    I happen to have bought the exact same green baubles this year!

    Thank you for the idea about the straw and adhesive. My greatest problem with wreaths is finding a wreath form in shops around here. Now all I have to find is some straw! :)

  5. They can be bought in garden centres. Even at florist's.
    I bought the styrofoam rings in a marine and nautical equipment shop :) , I don't even know their real purpose (life-belts for boat rats ??? :D ).
    But straw wreaths should be easy to make as well. Mine were simply fastened with a piece of nylon string.
    And, I agree, wreaths are great for all seasons.

    Melissa, glad you like them. :-)

  6. Majo ovo je bozanstveno! Divim ti se na strpljenju da obmotavas predivo, verovatno je potrajalo. :) Ali rezultat je super!

    1. Pa, malkice jeste naporno. :)))) Ali, kad sve saberem, ustvari je jako zarazna zanimacija.
