Monday 12 December 2011

Blog makeover

No knitting this time. Just a brief announcement!

Obviously, if you are reading this then you have already noticed that Cloopco has been completely redesigned. I hope you like the new version!  I do! :) I think this is just the kind of blog I have always wanted to have. I don't know what I was thinking when I picked that dark background for the first version.

Also, besides the most obvious (header and colours), the blog is now using a different and somewhat narrower template which, initially, shrunk the main panel a little. I did my best to adjust the margins but, the change  affected a few posts originally published on the old version which is why they are now a wee bit scrambled. Nothing serious 'tho.
So, after brief inspection, my main impression is that, all in all,  this whole make-over process has left far less mess than I'd expected.

Again, I hope you like it!

Until very soon,




  1. Ovako mi se više dopada:))) Lepo, veselo....

  2. Hvala! I meni, brate, dosta onog crnog! :)

  3. Svidja mi se karikatura u zaglavlju! Ovaj design je prakticniji, jer se lakse cita. Crna boja ima svoj car, ako se prezentiraju samo fotografije. Ovako je puno srdacnije! A uljepsati jos uvijek stignes!

  4. aleluja, aleluja ... nisam htjela gnjaviti, ali ubijalo me ono crnilo. Mislim, stvarno šteta, kreativna si, volim pročitati što imaš za reći, ali ono crnilo mi je ubijalo oči u pojam, pola sata nakon toga jedva se riješih paslika.
    Sada kada si definitivno odlučila vratiti se, moram i ja vratiti link za tvoj blog ... sve najbolje u novom ruhu.

  5. Snježana, potpuno se slažem- crno je super za blog s puno fotografija i malo teksta, tada fotografije zaista dođu do izražaja.

    Bodulka- znam, znam, znam, bilo je suviše tamno. Problem je samo što ova sređivanja iziskuju malo više vremena i borbe da se sve sačuva kako je bilo pa sma stalno odgađala. Eto, sam sam u "light" verziji! Zvanično! I konačno! :D

  6. OMG! You're back!! I am so happy :) Good to see you and I am really looking forward to reading your posts again! Ciaaaooo

  7. Thanks! It is good to see you too. I just found out that there are some great news in your internet life- congratulations! :)
