Wednesday 7 October 2009


"The young women emigrants of more than a century ago stepped on a ship and began their voyage to a new home in Canada. They brought with them their skills as knitters and spinners and the willingness to use those skills to clothe their families. Despite the need for utility items of clothing, they incorporated creativity, skill and beauty into the garments needed for warmth in the cold Canadian winters. "
(From the description of the Voyager scarf/stole Shui Kuen Kozinski and Benne Ferrell, at

It's a lovely story to think about while knitting. And it is even lovelier to have a scarf with a story around your neck! Remember my lace from the last post? Well, the scarf is now finished - it is one amazing piece of lace!

Since the end of May, I've been thinking of making myself a nice lacy shawl or scarf in neutral colour, possibly with cotton yarn and with rich and decorative edging. But, each time I'd started making a design, I'd end up with an idea of a lovely edging and nothing else. All this time I've had the beginning and the end of my dream scarf in my head- but not the body of the scarf!

Then I checked Shui Kuen's designer's page on Ravelry again- she has proved to be my saviour in such situations. :)

Of course I found just the right thing there! :) Voyager lace shawl/stole design by her and Benne Ferrell, another dear and interesting lady!

And that was it; before you know it- it was on my needles! Apparently- the force was with me this time and I was able to find the best possible yarn the very same day!

I only "had" to make one small adjustment - to add that only thing that I was able to come up with myself- my lacy edging! :) (The original version is actually extremely cute but- you'll understand me- I had to do it for purely pathological reasons! :))))

It was done in less than 4 days! I really enjoyed working on this pattern - and it was so exciting to watch how this beauty grows under my fingers!

I used 150g/370m of (20 wpi) fingering pure cotton Unitas- Hana yarn and worked with 4mm circular needles. I made the bottom edging and the body of the scarf in one piece and then I made the top edging separately and grafted the two pieced together. I am more than happy with how it turned out!

I can only advise you to make it some day as well and say a huge "Thank you" to Shui Kuen and Benne for designing this beauty!

For those of you who are Ravelry members, the pattern page can be found HERE,


you can simply open the patterns page - HERE.

See something strange in the upper right corner of this picture? It's a fish! It jumped out of the sea while I was taking this photo (probably to make sure that it was not a fishing net). A fish! I was lucky! The last time the animals decided to (unexpectedly) show up in my pictures was when I was taking photos of a canyon near my hometown. Then I ended up with a dozen pictures of the canyon with two bugs mating in the bottom right corner (I could have sworn that there was only one!!!!).

I'm not lying!!!!


  1. That is very very beautiful!!!

  2. It is adorable, but truly adorable, I've fallen in love with it!

  3. Divan je šal, uvek kad kod tebe vidim šalove ja poželim sebi nešto tako romantično! Na "Ravelry" sajtu sam gledala, ali mi je tvoj šal ubedljivo najlepši.

  4. Hvala ti što si omogućila komentare i nama kojima je tlaka logirati se ;-)
    Kao što sam ti već rekla, šal mi je apsolutno prekrasan, rubnu čipku si jako lijepo uklopila i dok gledam tvoj rad, mislim da je krajnje vrijeme da i ja sebi tako nešto napravim :-)

  5. Thanks, ariel and misha! you should make one- i tell you, it's really fun. The pattern is worked on both sides- it's absolutely impossible to get bored!

    Hvala, bensedinart- spremam se da napravim još jedan šal od ShuiKuen tj. ponudila mi je da ga napravim- taj je takođe predivan jedino sma trenutno u problemu oko nalaženja adekvatne vune, možda će čak morati ona da mi šalje!

    romantales- hvala tebi na upornosti :) - bila sam 100% sigurna da ne postoje nikakve restrikcije za ostavljanje poruka- d ami nisi rekla, ko zna koliko bi još opcija koja ne dozvoljava "vanjskim čitačima" :) da ostavljaju poruke bila aktivna. Sad svi mogu da pišEu!

    Za šal, naravno, same preporuke. Bod se svodi na jako male uzorke tako da bi trebao biti problematičan ni za početnike a, kako se radi obostrano, super je i za one koji vole više da se muče :)

    Ako nekome bude trebao bod za ovu borduru koju sam ja dodala- vičite!

  6. It's beautiful! And the bug porn is an added bonus to your post!

  7. I know- a wee bit of porn is always good! :))))))))))
    Thanks, Kathy!

  8. Wooow... this is a real beauty!!! Great job!!!
    I have some nice yarn... maybe I can do it some day... 'til my 58th birthday.... Twenty years is not so much... right?!
    Cotton that you used for this scarf looks nice. When I was in Croatia I didn't have a feeling that would look good as a finished project, so I didn't buy any.... and it was really cheap... mistake... big mistake.

  9. Really beautiful! I love your photos, they are always so artistic - the first one with the boat and the scarf looking almost like a fishing net drying on the rocks - that is some fine photography.

  10. Hey, CronityLady- I think 20years is just about enough- 10 years of knitting and another 10 of purling. :)) You're right about the cotton- not all the yarns look this good- I gave white Hana at home and the thread is apparently completely destroyed (bleaching ?!), blues and lilacs look lovely too, orange looks "cheap"! It all depends- I'd say that this one is the Nr.1!

    Honeysuckle- photography, me????
    Thanks! ;-)

  11. So pretty Pretty Lady! *hugs*
