Friday 19 June 2009

All ready to become a spinner

As of today, I am a spinner beginner and a proud owner of a drop spindle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've spent the last few months "designing" a spindle, trying to improvise it and talking to my friends, part-time carpenters (full-time doctors and architects :D ), about it but, apparently, I had made the smartest move in this search even before I actually started looking for a spindle or how to make it, without even being aware of it. I had written how much I was craving for a spindle here on my blog some time ago and, my my pal from this round of the "Sending Some Sunshine" swap on Ravelry, decided to peek in here and get a better picture of my likes and wishes and there it was- my wish to become a spinner- written black on white (well, white on black in this case). And so- she sent me a drop spindle.

A letter with a spindle inside in my today's mail. What a letter. What a thrill. What a morning!

So, now, I can officially start spinning! She tucked some fleece inside the envelope as well and there was a yarn sample she had made so that I could see what it should look like. Thank you ever so much, dear swap partner. You have made my day! No- you have made my century!

And, now, since I'm already mentioning it, I know I should show off with other goodies found inside the envelope too so, here you go! It was a VERY MUCH stuffed envelope... :)

...with all sorts of cool things tucked inside! Including two chocolate bars! They're not in the picture- I ate them while waiting for the batteries to be charged. You wouldn't want to see two empty, smudged tin-foil chocolate wraps in a picture anyway, would you?! :)

The spindle came with this cool "small garden" note card- it's lovely from the outside but simply amazing from the inside; there's a package of seeds with a small bag stuffed with soil and a pocket in the middle of the card where the seeds should be planted. It's a slow process- but so is learning how to spin, my pal says in the note. :))) It would be very hard to top this choice of presents for a wannabe spinner who is also a freak when it comes to propagating plants from seeds (read:ME). :D

And I also got this!

It's got nothing to do with knitting (it's got a lot to do with frogging, 'tho! :D) - a gorgeous frog-shaped shower gel holder. And the gel smells FANTASTIC!
What a lovely (sunny) day!

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Knit 'N' Natter

I wonder why they didn't get through to the next round!

(I'm not being mean!!!!!! They're cute!!!!! :)))

Monday 1 June 2009

PhD in Dreamweaving

Guess what I've been doing for the past few weeks?

Yes, making slippers! :)
And the more I think about it, the more I'm sure- when I grow up, I want to be a Slipper maker!
Just listen to the sound of it- a SLIPPER MAKER!

I can already imagine the envy in other people's eyes when they hear that I was a slipper maker while they have wasted their youth studying to become lawyers, or doctors, or presidents....

Curious/nosy/good-looking/well-educated/male/stranger (further in the text: CNGlWeM stranger) : (inquisitively) What do you do for living ?
Me: I'm a slipper-maker!
CNGlWeM stranger: Oh...really? (shocked and embarrassed) That sounds...magical!

Me: (totally cool) Yah, I know...'tho, it's just a job like any other....(cheeky-grin, optional)

CNGlWeM stranger: Yes i know but...a! is that something like a dream-weaver?

Me: (victoriously) Weeeelll, sort of...only slipper makers are Dream-weavers with PhD!

Yes! Mr. CNGlWeM is right -it really is a magical thing to do! The coolest profession of all! :D

'Cause, in case you've forgotten, this is what slipper-makers can do! (And these masters don't even work for money! :) )

Wollknaeuel's - Dzonba- The Himalayan Slipper by Tracy Hudson

Icelandic's Crocheted Felted Slippers (designed by Josephine Woo)

Cinderella slippers, made and designed by Baerbel Born (aka heathergem on Ravelry
Ta-ta for now!