Friday 8 May 2009

Dress my feet II

What you've seen in my previous post is only one half of my "slippery gallery!! :)))

I've got a few more aces up my sleeve!

Ready for more?....of course you are! :D

Do you know what this is???

:)))) It is one great idea, that's what it is - elf slippers!

They're designed by Carolyn Christmas and, this time, made by graylagran . (And she has made oodles of these :)) - here's her blog haphazard knitter )

Beautiful Irish slippers

Made and designed, knitted, felted and embroidered all by Tarjanne . You can see the process of making them on Tarja's Stitsailuja blog! Just lovely!

Spiritely Elf Shoes

another lovely example made by msblondieknits who is also their designer. You'll find the pattern on her msblondieknits blog.

Felted slippers

designed by Midnattsol and made by Ipo .

Needless to say- modular knitting is another great option for non sock knitters.

Or crocheters...

kedama's Square motif slippers

by p.24 Square room shoes pattern, designed by Keiko Okamoto. (You can find kedama's blog in Japanese HERE).

See, you don't even have to know how to turn the hell (or toes for that matter!). With crocheted blocks, shaping is as easy as pie!

Felted clogs!!!!

Yes, CLOGS! Knitters make clogs!!! :))) Another design by Bev Galeskas . The pair from the picture above ("Fuchsia Felted Slippers") were made by a fellow Raveler Topfrog (and a fellow blogger Topfrog ) .

Slippers for Lily

made by melissalm (knittingsandwich on Typepad). It's Bev Galeskas's design again, it's clogs again only, this time, it's Children's Felt Clogs (CH-38).Children need clogs too!

And how about this pair?! Filz puschen

made by knitrose (her blog Rosige zeit ). It's a very simple basic felted knit slippers ( at the moment available only in German) by COATS GmbH but with a lovely floral decoration and in adorable colours!

And more lovely slippers for kids!

Tocino & Velocidad

made by monotrans (here's her blog ).You'll find this pattern as "Barnyard Cow Slippers" by Spinrite on Ravelry for free.

You never thought these can be hand-made, did you?! :)) It's a lovely present for a kid. Well, you can make them for a kid or you could make a pair for me- I love such slippers (I wear tigers!!! :)))

To be honest, I wouldn't mind having these either :)))

They're tantej's lovely version of Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer's Petit Chou Slippers pattern.

A blog about tantej's knitting adventures can be found HERE!

And a lovely, furry pair of Baby Ballerina Slippers

a pattern by Debra Paradis aka knitdivad,published on her Yarning for You site and available from Ravelry.
So cute!

And, I'm almost done. It's been one long list of beautiful patterns and, still- there's at least a zillion of lovely pairs of slippers out there that I haven't mentioned. At least I've managed to convince some of you that making slippers is a very cool thing to do! :)))

I hope you've enjoyed it!
And, since this odyssey has started from the Orient- it's time to take my magic slipper back home! Remember the Turkish slippersfrom the beginning of my first post?
Here they are again!

"Good Morning Slippers" (yes, that's what they're called when you decorate them with a pompom :)) ) made by nikkinimble aka Three little purls blog.

Or, you could make them in bright colours

only, bare in mind- that's how they become Bookworm slippers. By nikkinimble again!

Thanks to the authors for participating and making all these lovely slippers!


  1. Yay! I love all this footwear!!!

  2. Ljubicanstvene su moj apsolutni favorit !

  3. Hey, MsBlonieKnits- to be honest- me too! :))))
    I've been making slippers ever since i started working on this post! :))))


    Majo, koje ljubičanstvene- one klompaste? Je l' da da su šou?! :)))

  4. Od ona prva tri para ne mogu da se odlučim! Sve bih rado nosila!

  5. ako nisi pogledala, otvori tarjin blog (na finskom je ali slike su jasne :))) )- ispod onih narandžasto zečenih da vidiš kako su jednostavne u osnovi

  6. Ovo je ludilo! Eto meni novih stvari na spisku za heklanje/pletenje. Dosad nisam napravila još nijedne, ali posle ova tvoja dva posta, ne samo da ću napraviti, nego ću imati i problem da se odlučim koje ću prve.

  7. What a lovely collection of slippers! I want to make some too now!

  8. and you di that! :))))) It's a fun thing to do. and usually quick!

  9. evo mene kod tebe prvi put! aj kako divne papucice! pozdrav!

  10. evo mene opet! upravo sam pregledala tvoje radove na flickr-u, bas si majstor, radovi su ti divni! bravo! a i ti super izgledas :))

  11. dobro mi došla, incoknito!
    Fala, fala! (stidim se) :)))))

  12. Moj favorit su ljubičaste, baš mi je drago da sam kod Magrit naletila na tvoj blog! :)

  13. drago mi je da si tu! :)))

    Dakle, ljubičaste vode! :)

  14. I love Slippers for Lily and those Filzpuschen. Time to add felting to my list of things to try.

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