Saturday 11 April 2009

Ho lavorato....ho fatto l’uncinetto!

This is one of the most talked about stories among bloggers today. Especially among Italian, female and bloggers crafters. And it's likely to stay that way for some time more.

I'd generally try to be original but this time- I'm going with the flow. I just can not but to mention HER as well.

Her name is Maria D’Antuono. She is a 98 years old lady and
lives in a village of Tempera near L’Aquilla in central Italy. Last Monday, during the devastating earthquake in the Abruzzo region, her old stone house collapsed while she was in it. She spent the next 30 hours trapped under her bed, bellow the ruins of her home. Determined to stay alive!

She was rescued on Tuesday . And she is feeling well.

The question – how did she spend the 30 hours after her house had collapsed onto her.

Her answer: ”Working!..Crocheting!”.

She was crocheting!!!
I’ve read this story in about 10 different newspapers, blogs and web sites, even languages and written by different journalists. Apparently, not all of them thought that what she had said next was as important as her first words after being rescued. I do. I’m sure they are important!

Before going to hospital, she was offered a package of biscuits. But she wanted something else. Something more important than having her first “meal” after a day and a half without food .

“Almeno fatemi pettinare!”.

She wanted to comb her hair!

Of course!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Femininity, dignity, human pride….. You choose!

I’ll only quote my Italian (fellow) blogger for the end: “Evviva la signora Maria!”


  1. Kakva prica !! "Zivot pise drame".....

  2. Evviva la signora Maria!
    Jos jedna divna prica koja govori o neverovatnoj snazi i lepoti zene!

  3. Ja počela da držim hekleraj blizu kreveta, za svaki slučaj :)

    Kakav duh!

  4. Već sam ovo rekla na jednom blogu, ali posle ove priče dve prijateljice su me pitale da ih naučim da pletu! Kakav duh!

  5. Sve ste u pravu! "Kakva priča"! Ali i kakav duh. nekad je potrebno tako malo za veliku priču!
    Od kako sam pročitala ovo, pred očima mi je moj pokojni deda- svaki put kad bi neko navratio dok je spavao popodne, onako bunovan bimehanički prišao rukom kragni od košulje da opipa je li zakopčana- gosti se ne dočekuju s otkopčanim gornjim dugmetom na košulji. Čak ni oni nenajavljeni. Potpuno je fascinantno koliko je potreba za dostojanstvom kod nekoh ljudi ispred svake druge.

    I češalj stavi pored ;-)

  6. Jao videla sam na vestima...
    Koliko duh treba da je jak da sa ove strane pogledas tragediji u oci?

  7. That is a lady! One can just wish to be that strong in that age.

    Hope the Easter holiday has been great for you!

  8. Istina, Zorice. Ali, nekim ljudima je to valjda- prirodno! Mene samo zanima- kolika je njoj mogla biti vidljivost pod ruševinama!!!


    Thank you! An impressive spirit, I agree! ;-)

  9. "Femininity, dignity, human pride….. You choose!"

    magnificently said!

  10. Thank you, Her Kuch, nice to see you here again ! ;-)

  11. Well, all I can say, my family being Italian, is that she IS a typical Italian nonna... just reminded me so much of my grandma, both because she could not stand being idle, and would crochet whenever she could, but also because she never stop being concearned with how she looked :)

  12. De verdad, que viva la señora María!

  13. "Grazie, signora" e/y "Gracias, señora !" :))))

    You're right, Silvina, it's the approach to life and aestetics that is deeply rooted in mentality. I'd like to know it will be like that 100 years from now too.
