Friday 27 March 2009

Rays of sunshine

I used to do a lot of international pen palling when I was a kid and later during my teenage years. I really loved it. I still do! But then I grew up! And so did the mankind. My teenage years where some of the history’s last internet–free years. Soon, almost everything became an “e-something“. Including letters.
I love internet and the fact that an e-letter can reach my pal within a few seconds...but if there's one thing I regret about this era, it's that there are no old-fashioned letters any more (for me or from me) and that my stamp collection has stopped growing. The snail mail is alive all right. My mailbox has never been fuller…of junk mail. It’s only the letters that have been kicked out of the game.
But I'm still in it: forums, communities. blogging, ....and have recently managed to find a shortcut from the new era to the old, written letters - ancient times. The shortcut is called the Ravelry swaps! Not the fancy ones- naaaah, don't like those. It's not the money- it's just that those travelling boxes don’t turn me on at all. I believe a lot more spirit can fit into a small envelope. I know it can- I used to be a pen pal. :) So, if there's an envelope swap gathering old pen palling addicts like me- I'm in!

I'm currently participating in two such swaps.
The Envelope swap- an already "established" swap group, where a new swap round is organised each month and everything or anything you send should fit into a small, letter sized envelope. One swapper and one swappee... that's all. My envelope for this round is (hopefully) flying across the Ocean as we speak. It's going west. That's all I'm going to tell you for now. :)))

The second swap I'm participating in is a «new born» envelope swap called «Sending some sunshine” and it has already become so much more than just an internet group for me. It's a place where I've met more lovely people in only a month than I could have ever hoped for.
The rules are simple- the envelopes are letter sized again, only this time there’s more than one and they’re sent out every now and then during the period of 2 months. Small surprises, even just postcards, patterns, handmade gifts...rays of sunshine. One swapper and one swappee again. Only, when you meet so many lovely people in one place- before you know it, you're receiving the envelopes from people who aren't even your pals and putting additional envelopes together for some dear people yourself. My first envelope has already left The Old Continent as well. And needs to travel a long, long way to reach my pal (my lips are sealed :)) Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, my pal still doesn't know who I am)! And as for the first surprise for me – it’s already here. :)

I only hope that these swaps will keep the Message in a bottle and crafty spirits (or “creativity among creative people” spirit as some would say) for a long time and that they wont turn into a plain chocolate bars and tea bags exchange. I’d hate to see that happen as I’m quite enjoying this game. As for my wishes- I collect stamps- I’d be happy to receive an empty envelope with a pair of nice stamps on it every now and then. ;-)

In the mean time, I’m enjoying in my first ray of sunshine! Do you know what I said I wanted- I wanted a pal from the South or from the North pole. A penguin or a Santa, if possible. And d’you know where my envelopes are coming from – from the home of Santa Claus, Finland. From a dear girl called Piia!

I’ll even let you peek into my first envelope a bit!

Just look at these stamps! A red Lilly and a picture of Finnish nature covered with snow. Like I said- I don't need more! :)))

The envelope was sealed with a bunny sticker! Ohhh....

And though I said I didn't mind receiving empty envelopes - this one was full. :))))

A package of lovely glass seed beads; an amazingly beautiful paper card with "golden" seam-like decorations, a beautiful wish printed in Finnish and my pal's note on the other side; a package of Barley seeds for this years' Easter grass; a package of her homegrown chilli-pepper seeds (I love growing those from seeds) and, finally- a Sarah Kay sticker board. How on Earth did she know I loved Sarah Kay?!?! Not many people know that (you don't just go around saying you love "childish" stickers when you're almost 30, do you?! :))) But, they're here!

It's my first ray of sunshine! From my own Santa!

You don't have your own Santa, do you?! :)))


  1. Eh, koverte .... stigne, onako debela, treba otvoriti, procitati.... onda staviti u kutiju ... pa citati ponovo .. Eh, divnih li vremena !!
    Samo ne kontam sto je Sara tu kao prva slika ?

    I ovaj Enevelope Swap je primao prijave do prije neki dan .... a ti to drzala za sebe, cccc :)

  2. AAAA, sticker Sara !! Tek sad vidim :)

  3. aaaa, pa jes, i vidiš da piše pisma ova gora!!!! :)))

    Za sebe- pa eno sam vrištala u Srbija grupi ima već 10 dana! :)))
    Sad će nova runda. A ima i lonely only opcija! A ako te baš svrbi možeš i meni da šalješ poklone! :))))

  4. Gledaj to sanduce onda svaki dan sledece nedelje :) .... Ili imate postare ?

  5. ufffff, bas si me podsjetila... imam ja kod kuce kutije (nekoliko njih) pune pisama iz mojih tinejdzerskih godina - imala sam barem u svakoj ex-yu republici jednu penfirendicu. Jos uvjek obozavam primati pisma - ali nazalost, ovih dana dolaze samo racuni na mojo adresu :(
    Sarah Key!!! Jos uvijek je kod mojih roditelja po stanu nekoliko naljepnica na 'skrivenim' mjestima :)

  6. @ Majo
    Pa, možeš gledati u sanduče a možeš gleati u poštara- šta ko više voli! :)))))
    Auuuuuuu, biće mi u sandučetu još nešto osim koverti od onih što oće da me apse :)))

    Znaš šta- ljudima su nekad hrpe pisama rasle s godinama. ja ostadoh u dvadesetoj (tj. u najboljim godinama) :)))) Pisama što je stizalo, stizalo je. :)

  7. Ah, dopisivanje. I ja imam pune kutije, nisam ih odavno otvarala a baš bih mogla :) Kako mi je dopisivanje bilo kao čarolija. Kad ti stigne pismo iz neke egzotične zemlje sa nečim toliko različitim od onoga što imaš i poznaješ, bilo da se radi o nečemu materijalnom ili samo o stavovima, idejama, ukusima. Svaki put se otvori jedan mali prozor na svet.

  8. Znaš, ovo naše blogovanje mene jako podseća na te klinačke dane i dopisivanje. Bilo je tu čarolije...

  9. Slažem se, misho!!!

    E, bensedin art, da znaš da ima nešto u tome! :)

  10. Mene je sram priznati da nikada nisam pisma ni pisala ni dobivala. Citajuci tvoj post cini mi se da sam bas puno propustila. Trebala bih se i ja pridruziti tim grupama na Ravelryu.

  11. Aaaaa. pa nemaš pojma šta si propustila- špricanje pisma maminim parfemom, paljenje rubova papira tatinim upaljačem (i svako toliko gašenje stoljnjaka :)))), pa pisma bez markice s molbom za poštara da bude dobar i pošalje jer nemamo para (sva su stizala :))) ) , pa ukrasna koverta U pismu, pa koverte pravljene od reklama iz časopisa Gioia :)))...a bilo je i onih što ostanu bez tinte pa pišu krvlju dalje :)))))))

  12. Da, navrati u sending some sunshine, to je divna grupa. :)
