Wednesday 17 December 2008

First "HI"!

Hi, everyone!
I'm not really good in introducing myself or saying goodbyes. I'm here and I intend to stay here for a long time. :)
I'm not new in blogging but, having many friends in different countries can make you start a blog in English, sooner or later. Well, the sooner the better, then. :)

So, that is what I'm basically doing, opening my little knitting-crocheting world to everyone. I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas, works, working processes. There will also be some great opportunities for others to see what it looks like when I freak out over a non-successful project. :)

Knitting, crocheting, needles, hooks, yarn and how to use them- that is what this blog is about. I'm looking forward to meeting other bloggers with same interests and cool ideas and all those yet to be infected by these crafts but I'll also try to add as much material as possible for all the newbies seeking for "how to" informations about knitting and crocheting.

Oh, yes, and I do read books, watch films and grow plants- but I will control myself here. I'll write what I knit and knit as I speak! Fair enough? :)

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