Saturday 20 December 2008

Cutting a hat in half

One skein projects: Episode Nr.2

My ONE SKEIN PHASE continues.
My hands have finally started dressing other people's heads. What a change! No sizes or numbers, no measures...just: big and small heads. :)
But this whole fascination with small projects now really does make a lot of sense- after a few years of knitting only big "projects" and spending days and weeks working on each one of them (not that I object! :) ), it's no wonder I became so addicted to this thing; it feels so great to get up in the morning with a new idea, grab the yarn and needles, start, knit, finish and go to bed under impression of making a new garment. It's quick and you get the chance to feel the excitement over finishing a project a lot more often.
But the fact is - I think I'm losing it! :) I've already started cutting my projects (and skeins) in half. And my expenses for that matter. :) I might end up knitting only rings and mobile-phone coats. :D

Ok, so, this time, I cut a hat in half! (A hat, not a head). And when you cut a hat in half, you get a headband, of course! :) I named it "Lazy Winter"! The reason? Winters here on Mediterranean can be very lazy. Sometimes too lazy to even be cold. But they can be ANOYING. Wind and rain can make you want to move to South Pole just to see what the real winter looks like. :D Umbrellas don’t help and, since winter months are so mild, people are simply not used to wearing hats. Hair easily gets tangled while ears wouldn’t really mind being hidden from the wind occasionally.

I planned on going for a seaside walk with my best friend last Sunday and I knew she was secretly hoping I’d make her a beret. But, just like Mediterranean winter, I became a bit too lazy so I decided to cut the beret in half and make her a cabled headband. :) She LOVES headbands! And so I did. I found a piece of yarn in my leftovers basket and it only took me about an hour to make it. I’m still under impression of making my Buttony sweater so I decided to play a bit with buttons here as well. It was a good call, I think, because now there’s no fear the band might get stretchy- it can easily be shortened and, finally, she can either wear the buttons-part so that it is visible (on a side or on top of her head :) ) or hide it under her hair. She’s a blond and pale beige looks good on her. When I tried it on I looked like my grandma! (Attention, please- don’t wear pale beige headbands if you’re a brunette!)

The headband was not for a seaside walk, though. We were too lazy to go after all! :)

You can download PDF instructions for "Lazy Winter headband" from HERE!


  1. The headband looks great!
    And thanks for the advice (I'm a brunette too ;-)

  2. :))) Thanks!

    (And who cares- we can always wear pink headbands! :D )
